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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bin Laden Killing movie

WASHINGTON | Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:26pm EDT
(Reuters) - Moviemakers producing a film about the U.S. special forces raid that killed Osama bin Laden are getting help from the Pentagon, but the Obama administration dismissed concerns on Wednesday that classified information has been divulged.
The film, focusing on one of President Barack Obama's key successes in office, is due to be released in October 2012, less than a month before the election in which the Democrat is seeking a second term.
Republican Peter King, chairman of the House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee, called on Tuesday for an investigation into contacts between the administration and the filmmakers. King questioned whether special operations methods had been compromised.
"The claims are ridiculous," White House spokesman Jay Carney told a White House briefing.
"We do not discuss classified information. And I would hope that as we face the continued threat from terrorism, the House Committee on Homeland Security would have more important topics to discuss than a movie," Carney added.
U.S. Marine Corps Colonel Dave Lapan, a Pentagon spokesman, said the Defense Department is cooperating with filmmaker Kathryn Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal as they work on a motion picture about the raid that killed bin Laden.
The two, who collaborated on the Oscar-winning Iraq war movie "The Hurt Locker," had been developing the bin Laden film even before the al Qaeda leader was killed in May in a raid on a compound in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad.
In a statement, the pair said their movie covered a period of three different U.S. administrations that searched for bin Laden, including those of Presidents Clinton and Bush.
"This was an American triumph, both heroic and non-partisan, and there is no basis to suggest that our film will represent this enormous victory otherwise," Bigelow and Boal said in their joint statement.
The Pentagon has a two-person entertainment media office that assists makers of films, television shows, computer games and other entertainment media targeting mass audiences.
"Mostly when we're contacted by filmmakers they're looking for access to our equipment, our personnel and our installations. Technical advice is kind of a byproduct of that relationship," said Phil Strub, who heads the office.
Reacting to a New York Times column saying the film was timed to give Obama a "home-stretch boost" in his re-election bid, King called for an investigation into the assertion that Bigelow had been given "top-level access to the most classified mission in history."

Monday, August 1, 2011




Search for your race results.


A limited number of 2011 Pat’s Run Race Shirts and 2011 Kids Run T-shirts are now available. Please download, complete and return the 2011 Pat’s Run Race Shirt Order Form. Please note, men’s XL race shirts are no longer available.


Photos and a recap have been posted to the Pat Tillman Foundation blog and Facebook.


Pat’s Run is the signature fundraising event for the Pat Tillman Foundation. Held annually in April at Arizona State University’s Sun Devil Stadium, the event attracts over 30,000 participants, volunteers and spectators from across the country. Together, they Run, Walk and Honor Pat’s legacy while raising important funds to support the programs created to pay tribute to his commitment to leadership and service.
The 4.2 mile course winds through the streets of Tempe and is staged so that all participants finish on the 42-yard line on Frank Kush Field inside Sun Devil Stadium, symbolic of the #42 jersey that Pat wore while he was a Sun Devil.
Proceeds from Pat’s Run directly support the Tillman Military Scholars program.


MDA Fill the Boot events

Two million volunteers are the driving force that enables MDA to accelerate its worldwide research program and provide diagnostic and follow-up care through some 200 clinics nationwide. Volunteers are the backbone of the Association's programs, helping with summer camp, support groups, seminars, Telethon, special events and many other programs.
MDA special events are a fun way to raise vital funds for the battle against neuromuscular diseases. If you'd like more information about participating in the fun events described below, please call your local MDA representative. To learn more about national sponsorship opportunities, please contact Jerry Weinberg, MDA's President & CEO, at (520) 529-2000 or via email at

MDA Special Events

Other Volunteer Opportunities

To volunteer or learn more about event happenings in your local area, please contact your local MDA representative.

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords returned to the House

By Donna Cassata
Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) - Rep. Gabrielle Giffords returned to the House for the first time since she was shot last January, making a dramatic entrance Monday night during a crucial debt vote and drawing loud applause and cheers from surprised colleagues.
As lawmakers stood on the floor, staring up at the vote board, Giffords slowly made her way through an entrance on the Democratic side of the chamber. Applause built and rolled like a wave through the House as lawmakers realized that their colleague had returned.
On Jan. 8, Giffords, D-Ariz., was shot in the head in the parking lot of a Tucson grocery store while meeting with constituents. Six people were killed and 13 others, including Giffords, were wounded. The man charged in the shooting, Jared Lee Loughner, has pleaded not guilty to 49 charges
On the House floor, Giffords hugged and kissed fellow lawmakers. As time ticked off on the vote, Democrats and Republicans made their way toward her.
She cast her first vote _ for the debt-limit bill _ and left the Capitol.
``It means so much to our country ... to witness the return of our colleague who is the personification of courage, of sincerity, of admiration throughout the country,'' Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California told the House.
Giffords has been undergoing outpatient therapy in Houston since her release from the hospital in June.
Loughner was sent to a federal prison facility in Springfield, Mo., after a federal judge concluded he was mentally incompetent to stand trial.
(Copyright 2011 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

WBBM Criminalizes 4-Year Old

Mike Broomhead

Mike Broomhead: "Mike Broomhead's blog postings."

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Disabled American Veterans

The 1.2 million-member Disabled American Veterans (DAV) is a non-profit 501(c)(4) charity dedicated to building better lives for America’s disabled veterans and their families.

The DAV was founded in 1920 by disabled veterans returning from World War I to represent their unique interests. In 1932, the DAV was congressionally chartered as the official voice of the nation’s wartime disabled veterans.

With our brave Americans leaving the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, the DAV’s services and advocacy are as relevant and critical today as in any time in our nation’s history.

Annually, the DAV represents more than 200,000 veterans and their dependents with claims for benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense.

The DAV’s Voluntary Services Program operates a comprehensive network of volunteers who provide veterans free rides to and from VA medical facilities and improve care and morale for sick and disabled veterans.

The DAV’s 1.2 million members provide grassroots advocacy and services in communities nationwide. From educating lawmakers and the public about important issues to supporting services and legislation to help disabled veterans — the DAV is there to promote its message of hope to all who have served and sacrificed.

The Fallen

Msgt. Benjamin A. Stevenson, 36; Sgt. Omar A. Jones, 28; Ssgt. James M. Christian, 29; Sgt. Jacob Molina, 27; Cpl. Raphael R. Arruda, 21; Ssgt. Kenneth R .Vangiesen, 30; Sgt. Edward W. Koehler, 47; and Ssgt. Brian R. Mowery...Are troops that gave their lives this week. There is no media for them... not even a mention of their names. Honor THEM by posting this. I did, will you? RIP Warriors

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Operation Honor Guard!

Operation Honor Guard™ has been created by Support Our Troops® to assure that the proper dignity, respect and gratitude are given to fallen American soldiers and their families during military funerals.
On March 2, 2011 the Supreme Court in Snyder v. Phelps, et al, 562 U.S. ___ (2011), ruled that the First Amendment protects the right of ne'er-do-wells to visibly and audibly protest in the face of family members at the funerals of their beloved sons and daughters who have recently died in military service to us and our country.
Thankfully, this freedom of speech also applies to those of us who wish to politely and properly honor the life of these fallen soldiers and their families by delivering in positive manner the respect and gratitude due them during this time of bereavement and loss.
Therefore in honor of Marine Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder, and all those like him whose sacrifice has been so disrespected, and in support of the valiant battle that his parents fought on behalf of Matthew and his fellows, Support Our Troops® has created Operation Honor Guard™.
In this program, SupportOurTroops.Org will arrange, and if need be fund, the expenses of local high school bands to line the roadside in full uniform, each member with a small American flag on their band hat, softly playing wonderful traditional American songs as the family arrives for the funeral, as well as during the proceedings and the departure. SupportOurTroops.Org will also arrange for the necessary permits and all necessary instructions for the band.
Just as these fallen soldiers have sacrificed to guard and protect us and our families, awesome American youths with the wisdom to appreciate that can now stand in the gap to honor and guard the dignity of the funeral ceremony by protecting the family from interruption and pain, while honoring the memory of the lost soldier.
This is especially important due to the undesirables who, acting for their own personal gain, have shamelessly and selfishly sought to intrude upon a painfully private and tender moment meant only for family and friends.
Operation Honor Guard™ is meant to insulate the family, to whom America owes so much for what they have given, from any undue and unwarranted negative distractions caused by unwelcome visitors. They don't need a confrontation. They don't need a circus. They need the positive support that a program like this affords.
It assures that what these families mostly see, and in the background softly hear throughout the ceremony, are Americans who appreciate and respect them and their lost loved one.
Please help fund our positive, supportive programs by donating on this website, or mailing us a check today.

They Support Us -- Let's Support Them!™

Chairman's Message

Chairman's Message

99 pallets of cheer on the way, 99 pallets of cheer. . .

Daytona Beach, July 14, 2011-
Well, okay, so it's actually 101 pallets. But 99 is catchier.  But we got you look. :)  And it's not the kind of cheer your thinking about because that's not allowed over there.   But what is being sent is equally fun and what troops ask us for all the time -- all American popcorn snacks!
Fresh from the factory. Super tasty. And the minute they smell it, they're transported back home for a few minutes. Really great stuff from Trails End®Popcorn, all part of Operation Popcorn® from SupportOurTroops.Org and the Boy Scouts of America!
$424,200 worth of goodwill to the troops - our deployed neighbors. They Support Us -- Let's Support Them!®
Unbelievable butter! Caramel glaze! Cheese lovers! Gourmet caramel corn with almonds pecans and cashews! Is this a great deal or what?
Right now it's staged and ready to ship out over a period of time and 40 foot 65° cargo containers. We'll keep you posted as it arrives in different locations in Southwest Asia.
Is this a great country or what?

Helping Veterans | Donations to Troops | Remembering Fallen Soldiers | Military Charities

Helping Veterans | Donations to Troops | Remembering Fallen Soldiers | Military Charities

Love Thy Neighbor

Now that we could possible face the biggest economic downfall in the history of America, we must take care of one another. I live in a city that doesn't even know each others neighbors names, why is this? How do we cure this issue. I remember the days on the farm where not only did I know my neighbors (some as far as 2 miles) but we would always bring them food if they had a bad crop that year. Now days, we rat each other out to our HOA's (which reminds me of NAZIs, LOL) and can't even help by picking up there trash if it was blown over. In the times coming if we don't unite as a nation, we are doomed.
  Tell me what you think, please respond.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Welcome to Home of the Free!

On this Blog I will discuss almost anything you want, I am a believer in free speech, so bring it on. Here is my first post, with many more to come.